
The Spiral Offer

Core School Improvement Offer 2024/2025

Spiral Partnership Trust is committed to ensuring that all our schools receive the best possible school improvement support. All our schools receive our core offer which can be flexible in delivery according to the school’s preferred approach; for example, 1 intensive visit day or 2 less intensive half day visits. The core offer includes a clear schedule of monitoring, challenge, support and intervention which draws from expertise within the Trust as well as the expertise of our professional partners. We recognise that schools need different support at different times, therefore responsive to need, a bespoke programme of support is available.


Judgements about schools are informed by methodically triangulating evidence from a range of sources.  In this way we ensure a rounded view of each individual school.


For this reason the information used to inform the school improvement offer for Spiral Schools includes:

  • School and Trust level self-evaluation
  • The professional views of our school improvement partners
  • Curriculum monitoring, often using the 'deep dive' approach
  • Outcomes from internal and national assessment data
  • Views of the local school community
  • Ofsted judgements within the year of inspection
  • Financial information and long-term sustainability
  • Local and National directives and accountability measures
  • The results of staff, pupil and parental surveys

The core offer covers the elements of school improvement the Trust considers essential to ensure all schools thrive.  The bespoke offer of support recognises that all schools are unique, and for this reason a more individual element is vital to ensure all our schools flourish as part of a strong family of schools.

Bespoke Support

We recognise that all schools are unique and individual and need different support at different times. We have designed a programme of support that is flexible and responsive to need.  Resources from both Central and Delegated funding may be used to support this stream of work.  Typically, if required, a programme of support will be initially brokered at the Autumn Conversation and ratified by the Executive Headteacher at the first School Improvement Visit of the Autumn Term.  This bespoke programme of support will form a key element of the School Improvement Plan for the academic year.
