
Central Team

Elaine Bridle, Trust SENCo


Elaine is the Trust SENCo who supports the quality of teaching and learning and SEN across the Trust.


Kevin Byrne, Trust Premises Manager


Kevin supports the school caretakers and site managers across the Trust.



Sarah Carter, Trust HR Manager


Sarah works with leaders across the Trust to provide HR advice, support and development.

Karen Cayford, Executive Head


Karen is a Trust Executive Head supporting IT and Compliance.

Jemma Hope, FACES Area Manager


Alongside Rosie, Jemma oversees and co-ordinates the out of school provision at the FACES Clubs across the schools.

Rosie Joyce, FACES Area Manager


Alongside Jemma, Rosie oversees and co-ordinates the out of school provision at the FACES Clubs across the schools.

Sarah Lamb, Trust Administrator & Payroll Manager


Sarah is the CEO's PA, provides support and advice to the schools on payroll and is clerk to the Board and its sub-committees.


Alex Lindley, Executive Head


Alex is a Trust Executive Head supporting leadership and school improvement.

Cathy Longhurst, Executive Head


Cathy is a Trust Executive Head supporting safeguarding, innovation, projects and outreach.

Corinna Semon, Chief Finance Officer


Corinna works closely with both the Senior Leadership Team and Central Team overseeing the Trust finances and implementing systems and processes.

Anna Szolc, School Business Partner


Anna supports a number of the schools with their day to day financial processes, including invoicing, budgeting and month end.

Victoria Thompson, Trust Finance Manager


Victoria works with the CFO and School Business Managers to ensure all financial data is up-to-date and correct for accurate reporting and monitoring.


Kelly Will, School Business Partner


Kelly supports a number of the schools with their day to day financial processes, including invoicing, budgeting and month end.



